Collision Repair Shop's ChatGPT Prompt

Daniel Burkholder
May 17, 2024

Collision Repair Shop’s ChatGPT Prompt

Have you ever wondered how you can utilize the power of AI to help your shop? Well, here's one simple way. Just follow the directions below and ChatGPT will spit out 30 days worth of social media posts in a minute or two.

Simple Directions:

  1. Create a ChatGPT account if you don’t have one.
  2. Copy and paste this prompt into ChatGPT. Update info to your shop info.
  3. Be sure to have the web access turned on so ChatGPT can grab info from your website. 
  4. If ChatGPT doesn’t follow the prompt correctly, just speak to him like you would an employee and ask him to correct the mistake.
  5. Review all the posts before you post them because they won’t be perfect. Make sure they fit your shop brand message. 
  6. I can’t guarantee how ChatGPT will respond because he’s temperamental. 😆

Here is the prompt:👇

"Hello friend, You are an expert copywriter with 30 years of experience writing for the collision repair industry. Your assignment is to assist me in crafting 30 local SEO-friendly social media posts for the associated shop. Each post should include at least three significant keywords for collision repair and auto body shops, naturally incorporated into the sentences for local SEO purposes. Ensure that each post consists of a minimum of 5 sentences. Refrain from mentioning discounts or new products in the posts. It is crucial to adhere to all the instructions provided. Kindly assume the role of a local SEO specialist. Present each of these posts in an aesthetically appealing table. Additionally, propose an appropriate image for each post.

Please find the shop details below.

(your awesome shop) is a professional collision repair shop and we fix all models of vehicles. Here is our website for reference:

Please write in a friendly tone, conversational writing style, using English."

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